The best fundraising ideas are methods which achieve these two important goals:
Pic Sponsors™ innovation on crowd fundraising beautifully fulfills both of these objectives by using pictures. Pictures communicate 1000 words and can instantly and clearly identify your cause and effectively reach the emotions of potential supports.
Use Compelling Pictures
Select a picture that is uncluttered and simply gives the viewer the central idea of your fundraising cause. Make sure the image is of suitable quality (sharp focus, good lighting, tightly cropped). Background areas outside the subject of the picture can be excluded from the sponsored area by Pic Sponsors™ once you've uploaded it. Remember, your photo can be digitally enhanced or even have digital artwork added to it, to improve it's appeal.
Whatever your fundraising cause is, present it from a positive aspect yet in a way that highlights the need for funds. Genuine people are good motivators - photograph the faces of real people within your cause and your community.
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