Clubs Use Pic Sponsors™
Community and special interest/hobby clubs love to use Pic Sponsors™ for coordinating fundraising and collecting donations and sponsorship. Typical clubs include:
Whatever your club type, if you need to raise funds and/or collect payments you can do so online with Pic Sponsors™.
Collect Membership Fees
You can even dedicate a campaign picture to each years membership fees. Direct members to the campaign page, and when they make a payment you receive an email notification. At any time you can see a list of paid members in your dashboard.
As the available spaces on the membership campaign picture are sponsored, unpaid members are encouraged to join the paid members as the payments are shared on social media, or when you send a reminder to members and they can see who else has already paid.
If your club is registered for GST and you are required to add GST to memberships, this can be reflected in the receipts sent out at the time of payment.